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Look who's wrapping your soap!

April loves making our soaps look pretty when they are wrapped!

GRACIE PIE APOTHECARY hires adults with developmental/intellectual disabilities through the Kankakee County Training Center to package all of our products, from hand-wrapping our soaps to filling our mud masks, body butters and sugar scrubs! They also ensure each product has a label and quality control check points before getting them to the many markets and wholesalers we sell at. Employees are trained and paid to complete the contracting work, so every time you purchase a product from Gracie Pie Apothecary, you are putting a capable individual to work!

OUR GOATS MILK comes from a pack of well-loved, free-range goats owned by a veterinarian and his wife in Will County, Illinois. The goats romp on children’s playhouses and slides found at garage sales. They are expert breeders and care for their animals like children.

WE USE LOCAL HONEY and beeswax in many of our products from John Bailey, a beekeeper of 40 years. He tends to as many as 80,000 bees at carefully selected farms and wildflower gardens throughout the Kankakee River Valley. He is particularly careful not to locate hives near corn or soybean fields because of GMO.

WE DONATE all of our extra products — such as unpurchased seasonal soaps — to Harbor House, a nonprofit, confidential shelter for women and children of domestic violence.

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